The decision whether to give bicarbonate (HCO3) for metabolic acidosis can be confusing.

In some conditions, such as lactic acidosis, bicarbonate has not been shown to be beneficial, may be harmful, and is reserved for very severe acidosis.

In other conditions such as Chronic Kidney Disease (CKD) treatment with alkali is recommended to achieve a normal serum total CO2.  Not treating may be associated with increased risk of progression, bone disease and malnutrition.

Framework for when to give bicarbonate

One can learn the specific guidelines for each condition.  However, an understanding of the pathophysiologic cause of the acidosis is a useful determinant.

  • If the metabolic acidosis is caused by acid generation (organic acidosis), HCO3administration is reserved for severe life threatening acidosis.
  • If the metabolic acidosis is caused by HCO3loss from the body (or lack of HCO3 generation by the kidney), the acidosis should be corrected with HCO3 (or an alkali equivalent).

Organic Acidosis

In organic acidosis, a bicarbonate equivalent is generated (typically lactate or a ketone).  When this occurs a HCO3anion is consumed.  In these cases treatment is guided at treating the underlying pathologic process.  When this occurs HCO3will be regenerated.

  • In general an organic acidosis is associated with an elevated anion gap
  • IV HCO3 may be harmful in these cases
  • Treatment with intravenous HCO3 is only recommended for severe acidemia

Lactic Acidosis

  • The main treatment of lactic acidosis is restoration of tissue perfusion.
  • Recommendations are to reserve treatment with IV bicarbonate unless the pH is < 7.1 – 7.2.
  • HCO3is given more liberally if there is associated Acute Kidney Injury, to target a pH > 7.3 as this may help to decrease the need for dialysis in this context.

This study showed that using HCO3 for a pH < 7.2 to achieve target a pH > 7.3 did not reduce mortality except if there was Acute Kidney Injury (AKI)

Sodium bicarbonate therapy for patients with severe metabolic acidaemia in the intensive care unit (BICAR-ICU): a multicentre, open-label, randomised controlled, phase 3 trial – Archive ouverte HAL

Diabetic Ketoacidosis

  • The main treatment in DKA is insulin.
  • Recommendations are to reserve HCO3 unless the acidemia is severe enough to affect cardiac contractility (pH < 6.9).
  • Since the organic anion (ketone) is a HCO3 equivalent, reversal of the ketoacidosis will result in HCO3 Too liberal administration of HCO3 may result in a metabolic alkalosis when this occurs.

This study did not show a benefit of HCO3–  with an initial pH of 6.9 – 7.14

Bicarbonate Therapy in Severe Diabetic Ketoacidosis | Annals of Internal Medicine

How can treatment with bicarbonate be harmful?

The  administration of IV HCO3  in lactic or ketoacidosis can be harmful – why is this?

  • Worsen intracellular acidosis

When IV HCO3 is given  some of it is converted to CO2 by the following biochemical process.

HCO3 + H+  ⇄  H2CO3  ⇄  H20 + CO2

CO2 can diffuse across the cell membrane faster than HCO3. So paradoxically giving HCO3 in this situation can worsen intracellular acidosis.

The increase in CO2 production can be an issue in mixed acidosis.  If there is a respiratory component to acidosis the patient may not be able to ventilate the increased CO2 that is generated.  In this situation the respiratory component of the acidosis may worsen.

  • Worsen ionized calcium

Ionized calcium is pH dependent.  Administration of HCO3 can lower ionized calcium.  This may adversely affect cardiac function or even cause seizures.

When IV bicarbonate is necessary

IV HCO3 can be given as amps pushed or in an IV drip.  Although amps may need to be administered in an emergent situation, I prefer giving as IVF for 2 reasons.

  • Amps of HCO3are hypertonic. This may cause hypernatremia/hypertonicity.
  • Pushing amps of HCO3 can more rapidly lower ionized calcium which may cause complications in a patient who is already hypocalcemic.

Isotonic  IV HCO3 infusions are:

  • D5W with 150 milliequivalents (3 amps) NaHCO3/ Liter
  • ½ NS with 75 milliequivalents (1 ½ amps) NaHCO3/ Liter


What about dialysis?  How does dialysis correct acidosis?

  • Dialysis replaces HCO3
  • HCO3in the dialysate diffuses down the concentration gradient into the blood.
  • Dialysis does not correct acidosis by the removal of lactate. Although lactate is removed by dialysis, this is a HCO3 It is the associated H+ that causes the acidosis.

What is the benefit of replacing HCO3 with dialysis vs giving IV HCO3?

  • With dialysis HCO3can be administered without volume.  It can be given in a euvolemic or even hypovolemic manner.  Giving HCO3  IV requires volume which may be problematic in an oliguric patient with Acute Kidney Injury (AKI).

Non Organic (Mineral) Acidosis

Acidosis can also be caused by a loss of HCO3 from the body.  This can be:

  • Non renal – Typically gastrointestinal losses in diarrhea
  • Neobladder (or bladder augmentation). The neobladder is created using colon tissue.  This gastrointestinal mucosa allows for electrolyte (HCO3) secretion.
  • Renal – Type 2 (proximal) Renal Tubular Acidosis (RTA). In this condition there is impaired HCO3reabsorption in the proximal tubule.

Metabolic acidosis can also be caused by the kidney failing to excrete acid (H+).  For every H+ the kidney excretes a HCO3anion is generated which is reabsorbed into the body.

The majority of renal acid (H+) excretion is in the form of ammonium NH4+.

  • Intercalated cells of the distal nephron secrete H+.
  • H+ combines with ammonia (NH3) to form ammonium (NH4+).
  • Ammonium (NH4+) is excreted in the urine.

How does H+ excretion result in HCO3 generation? By the following biochemical reaction.

HCO3 + H+  ⇄  H2CO3  ⇄  H20 + CO2

  • For every H+ excreted a HCO3 is generated.
  • This HCO3 is returned to the circulation.
  • The lack of HCO3 generation is equivalent to a HCO3

Chronic Kidney Disease

In CKD the goal is to keep the HCO3 normal > 22 mEq/L

Prevalence of acidosis in CKD

  • Stage 2 – 7%
  • Stage 3 – 13%
  • Stage 4 – 37%

In CKD (and Renal Tubular Acidosis RTA) chronic acidosis can result in:

  • Bone disease/ decreased bone mineral density. Bone components serve as a buffer to the acidosis.
  • Muscle Wasting
  • Adverse cardiovascular outcomes
  • Progression of CKD

In the initial stages of CKD the anion gap will be normal.  In later stages it increases due to retention of phosphate and sulfate along with other anions.

Treatment can be with sodium bicarbonate or sodium citrate.  Citrate is metabolized to bicarbonate.


Metabolic acidosis can be caused by increased acid generation (i.e. lactate), HCO3 loss from the body (i.e. diarrhea) or lack of renal acid excretion (i.e. CKD) resulting in decreased HCO3 generation.

In general if the acidosis is caused by a loss of HCO3 from the body or impaired HCO3–  generation treatment with alkali to target a normal bicarbonate is indicated.  If the acidosis is caused by increased production of an organic anion, treatment with HCO3 is reserved for severe life threatening acidemia while the underlying cause is treated.


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